Canterbury Institute of Management

  • About CIM
  • Location
  • Why CIM

Canterbury institute of Management (CIM) is registered with Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education TEQSA. The main campus is situated on the North pylon side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, within walking distance to the main transport, education, sports, government and tourist facilities. The Darwin campus is a gateway to massive Kakadu National Park. It also has a prominent waterfront area that includes many beaches and green areas, such as the Bicentennial Park.

CIM is a member of Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) and is the only institution that focuses on Bachelor of Business program. With several majors such as Accounting, Hospitality Management, Information Systems and Management, the Bachelor of Business program and its majors are in high demand in domestic and international employment markets. CIM academic staff have relevant appropriate qualifications and experience in teaching and in their professional fields. The academic staff appointments and their academic delivery methods are always aimed at a practical approach to learning. CIM provides students with a wide range of academic and welfare support services. New students are encouraged to attend the Orientation Program, conducted at the beginning of each semester, where details about living and studying in Sydney are provided. CIM has an in-house Library and Academic Resource Center where a limited number of textbooks are available for reference. Students have access to online academic resources for electronic books and online journal databases as well.

Sydney Campus
41 McLaren Street, NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060

Darwin Campus
2 Printers Place, DARWIN CITY NT 0800

  • Registered with Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education TEQSA.
  • Member of Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) is the peak body representing independent
  • providers in the higher education and vocational education.
  • CIM prides itself in offering excellent student support services, a welcoming
    environment for students and affordable study costs.
  • CIM’s Bachelor of Business program helps students to build the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in a wide range of areas within business and the not-for-profit and public sectors.
  • CIM aim to produce graduates who have a broad knowledge and skills of business to meet industry demand in local and global business environment.
  • CIM’ program adopts enquiry-based learning approach that helps learners to develop important problem-solving and decision-making skills relevant to any business.
  • CIM’s graduates will develop careers in the management of large, medium and small businesses in government and private sectors, both domestically and internationally.