About Us


the key to success is the right guidance

Our vision

Popular Education provides unique services to assist you accomplish your educational and work goals and beyond. We are very welcome for all students regardless of their nationality. We also offer a wide range of choices from schools, institutions to universities throughout Australia that will suit your interest and enhance your goal. Our Education consultants are highly trusted and experienced in their job. On top of that, we also provide consultation in various languages, such as Indonesian and Chinese, to create friendly and comfortable atmosphere for students. We also provide superior services such as finding accommodation, registering phone number and opening a bank account for students.

  • Australian owned and operated in the heart of Sydney CBD
  • The cumulative brainchild of its partners with expertise in business, management, legal and educational sectors
  • Our core activities are Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Training Benchmark solutions
  • We offer a myriad of options for education and training across most industries
  • All our partner Registered Training Organization (RTO) are reputable with proven success and together we provide quality solutions for our clients, both individual and business

Your Chance to Explore is Here

Popular Education team is made up of highly trained professionals who work with students from around the world. Our team is divided to better serve students and to help students who are living outside of their home country. We also have three offices that you can visit or call to make contact with our local team.

Our team helps students throughout the whole process of their education. This starts with the admissions process and may continue until the graduation date. We offer our services to students from around the world, which is important to both us and the students that we serve. Our team is made of people that have specific skills to ensure you are working with professionals.

Our teams are professionally qualified within their respective fields and have been instrumental in forming the basis for many vital affiliations, partnerships and strategic alliances. This has been significant in our global expansion and ongoing success at an international level.

  • Be the choice education consultancy of students
  • Enhance student’s global employments
  • Be the strategic partners of institutions and professional bodies
  • Expand Popular Education internationally
  • Honesty in our approach and transparency in our processes
  • Trust in our care and concern for our client’s best interests
  • Reputation as a consistent high performer
  • Knowledge is key and we seek it constantly

Student Outcomes and student experiences.

We value our relationship with you.
As in any other relationship, we put trust as the foundation of it.