Cost of Living in Germany
To begin your financial planning, it is essential to know the average cost of living in Germany. On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around €853 per month (around $957 US dollars) or €10,236 per year (around $11,484 US dollars).
Below are only an estimated reference. These expenses may differ depending on your study location.
All students at a higher education institution are required to pay the semester contribution. On average, the contribution is around €200 - €500 per semester.
Student accommodation for university halls in Germany usually costs around €350 a month, rising to around €500 for a room in a shared house. Nonetheless, students in the most expensive cities like Frankfurt and Munich may have to pay about €700 for a room in a shared house or flat, and €400-€500 for student accommodation. Learn how to find cheap student accommodation here.
All students in degree courses in Germany who are under 30 years of age are required to have public health insurance which costs around €80 per month.
Average cost: €168
Average cost: €20
Students who have already purchased a Semester ticket can travel with public transport in a certain area without any fee. An average transport cost ranges between €30 - €60 per month depending on the city.
Average cost: €31
Average cost: €61
Clothing: €50 - €100
A pair of shoes: €60 - €120
A pair of Business shoes: €70 - €150