Popular Education – Sydney is the headquarters of Popular Education, a boutique consultancy firm specializing in International Education.
Roles and responsibilities:
- Provide educational counselling for choices of education opportunities abroad
- Recommending suitable school and courses or programs of schools and colleges to students and their parents
- Representing students in lodging application to universities and institutions
- Assisting students in visa application process
- Provide hassle-free solutions, quality customer service, and fast turnaround time for our clients
- Actively support the relevant promotion
Language skills expected:
- Vietnam – Vietnamese, English
- Thailand – Thai, English
- Brazil – Portuguese, English
- Italy – Italian, English
Ideal applicants:
- Previous experience in a similar position would be advantageous
- Capable to communicate & interact effectively and accomplish the desired outcome
- High amount of attention to detail and dedication to quality
- Able to work independently and part of a team
- Capable of solving queries and problems proactively
- Proficient in MS word, Excel, Power Point applications
Job type:
Based on commission – negotiable*
Application due date = 13 July 2019
Please send your resume or CV to info@pop-edu.com.au